Ep & Lulu Brion

After serving the Lord for 30 years in various churches in the Philippines, Pastor Ep was invited to become the Lead Pastor at San Diego Christian Fellowship in 2002, where he faithfully served for 8 years. Throughout their years in the US, Pastor Ep and Lulu still kept in touch with the many pastors and families in the Philippines. Through that communication, they developed the burden to return home and minister to the pastors and pastors’ wives in the Philippines who were in need of spiritual refreshment and encouragement.

Ep and Lulu left the US in August 2010 and moved to Cebu to start the ministry of GraceNet Philippines. They partnered with the Baptist Conference of the Philippines (sister denomination of Converge) to identify at least ten pastoral couples at a time from every district of the country that are in need of spiritual and emotional refreshing. The goal was to give these pastoral couples a break from the ministry, so that they can return to their churches refreshed, renewed, and recharged. These pastoral couples were invited to an all-expenses-paid retreat, wherein they received VIP treatment of food, pampering, and gifts. They attended relevant seminars and small group discussions to help them become more effective in their ministry. From 2010 to 2016, Pastor Ep & Lulu served about 275 pastoral couples through these retreats. They also developed and field-tested a spiritual journey with both discipleship and leadership tracks to help the pastors in their ministry. In 2016, the Baptist Conference of the Philippines adopted this as their national unified curriculum.

After a year-long home service in 2017, Ep and Lulu returned to the Philippines in 2018 with a new vision, “to deeply influence catalyst churches in Metro-Manila with the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality discipleship program which in turn would impact other churches in the Philippines.”

Since 2018, Ep and Lulu have introduced the EHS program to leaders of 2 big churches (with membership of not less than 1,500), 4 smaller churches (with membership of 200-250), and a good number of pastors, Christian workers and church leaders. To date, 3 churches have already rolled out the EHS study to their small groups.

Ep and Lulu can be reached at forlovespurposebrion@gmail.com.